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The RAFA Los Angeles chapter is looking for volunteers to organize get-togethers for flight attendant retirees. Until there is a reopening of the RAFA LAX chapter, those wishing to join RAFA and receive RAFA retiree news via email may join RAFA as "Members at Large" and may switch to RAFA Los Angeles when the chapter reopens. To join RAFA or renew your membership click here.

Like to view a photo gallery of past RAFA LAX Events?  See the photos below!

Past LAX Events:

2019 Linda Farrow Memorial

Click to view the AFA's tribute, program, obituary and slideshow:

Jan with Sara Nelson (AFA-CWA Intl President), Heather (Sara's assistant), Kevin Creighan (AFA-CWA Intl Secretary-Treasurer) and Monica Sundseth (LAXSW) 

Linda F. Farrow AFA Memorial Service

We must sadly inform you that long time Flight Attendant advocate and former MEC President, Linda Farrow, passed away toward the end of last year. Private family services were held in Lakewood, WA.


All of us are indebted to Linda for her many years of dedicated work on behalf of United Flight Attendants, the Flight Attendant profession and our Union. 

Memorial Services celebrating the life of Linda F. Farrow were held on January 31, 2019 in Los Angeles, CA at the Proud Bird Event Center.



Eric Yamaguchi, Jane Petipas, Janet MacWilliams, Margie Sabo, Carolyn Wood, Mimi Emery & Carol Forsythe


          Ken Diaz (AFA MEC President), Dante Harris (LAX President) & Pastor Coley       Kathy Newman             

                          Jan, Eric, Jane, Janet, Margie, Carolyn Wood, Dian Muir and Judi Frash

2018 Christmas RUPA Luncheon

RAFA & Clipped Wings are guests of United retired pilots

December 6th at the  Tin Roof Bistro Restaurant

2017 Christmas RUPA Luncheon

RAFA & Clipped Wings are guests of United retired pilots

December 7th at the  Tin Roof Bistro Restaurant


March 30,2017  Stroke Awareness 

LAX RAFA General Meeting at Westchester Community Center

The Pacific Stroke Association (located in San Mateo and Santa Clara counties) 

sent RAFA a video, “What is Stroke?”. 

Most important: STROKE is an EMERGENCY!  Act FAST and CALL 911

FASTFace (look for uneven smile) Arm (check if one arm is weak), 

Speech (listen for slurred speech) Time (call 911 RIGHT AWAY!).

After the video screening RAFA members voted to send a $200 donation to PSA. 

Jan received a very nice thank you note from the Program Director.

If you missed our meeting.... 

You may view the informative video on their website:

2016 Christmas RUPA Luncheon

RAFA & Clipped Wings are guests of United retired pilots

December 8th at the  Tin Roof Bistro Restaurant

RAFA members Millie, Trudy (pilots wife), Fran and Ellen.

Hostess and host Sue & Arvid von Nordenflycht

Jan, Fran, Millie, Trudy, Sue, Linda and Ellen                                                           Jan              

August 9, 2016: Pass Travel 2 Seminar


RAFA LAX officers (standing), L-R: 

 Jan Heistermann, President;  Jeanne Williams, Secretary;  Carolyn Wood, VP;  ML Anderson, Treasurer


 LAXRAFA MEETING MINUTES                                                                          AUGUST 9, 2016


Jan Heistermann called the meeting to order at 1108 at the Westchester Community Room in Los Angeles, CA. There were over 50 in attendance.


Jan informed the membership to be sure and go to for upcoming events.  She then introduced Kirk Moore.


Kirk gave another amazing and incredibly informative presentation on the employees travel benefits.  This second presentation was on:

1)   Other airline travel

2)   My UA/Discount Travel

3)   Going mobile

UAL has agreements with about 100 airlines that give us ZED (Zonal Employee Discount) fares.  If you start out at, there are 4 steps to discovering and purchasing travel benefits from other airlines and finding if the airline you choose honors other travelers such as parents or enrolled friends.

Kirk also showed us how to go on “FlyingTogether” to achieve the same.

After this, Kirk then showed us how to go on the “FlyingTogether” webpage and obtain United 20% Discount tickets (myUAdiscount).

Finally he demonstrated the mobile app.  Personally, this demonstration cleared up a lot of questions that I had.  I was so intimidated before, but not now! 

Kirk will send a PDF of his entire presentation, just like last time.  As soon as Jan receives it from Kirk, she will be emailing it to everyone who is on our email list.

After answering a few questions and helping some of us get the mobile app, Jan adjourned the meeting at 1305.


Respectfully submitted by:

Jeanne S. Williams

Recording Secretary LAXRAFA

Pass Travel 2 seminar attendees:

It was a great meeting and seminar!

June 21, 2016 Meeting & Pass Travel 1 Seminar


  President Jan Heistermann called the meeting to order at 1331, at the Westchester Municipal Community Room. There were over 50 in attendance.

Jan reported that if you are on Medicare, but your doctor has “opted out”, that doctor needs to have on record a form that he/she has signed, stating that they have opted out of Medicare.  If, for example, you need surgery and still want to use this doctor, you need to get a copy of this “opt out” form and submit it with the doctor’s claim and Aetna (PPO) will treat you as the same as when you were pre Medicare.

Jan then introduced Kirk Moore who made a presentation on UAL’s Travel Policy and how to list for flights.  It was a fantastic presentation.  He thoroughly went through the tabs under our Travel Policy, how to enroll friends, the level of personal and vacation passes, how the IRS is taking their share, service charges, all the quick links and how to individualize them for yourself, and tons more.  It was a two-hour presentation.  Kirk did such a great job, it seemed like 30 minutes.

  Warning:  There is a phone number to call and a reservationist will list you on a flight with your pass, BUT you will be charged $25.00 per person to do so…learn how to list online!


You should have received by now, from Jan, a PDF file with the entire presentation.  Please let us know if you had trouble opening the PDF.  Like I wrote, it was a very educational presentation.  Just a reminder… go to RAFA website to Travel for info.


LAX RAFA Treasurer ML Anderson announced that to show appreciation for the support of it’s members since it’s founding in 2004, LAX Chapter dues for the year 2016-2017 would be suspended.

  LAX President Jan Heistermann thanked Kirk Moore for an extremely informative presentation and expressed the desire to have him back at a future meeting.

  Meeting was adjourned approximately 3:45.

  Minutes respectfully submitted by:  Jeanne S. Williams  Recording Secretary LAXRAFA

February 16, 2016 Meeting

 Manhattan Beach



LAX RAFA members attend February 2016 informational meeting

2015 Christmas RUPA Luncheon

RAFA & Clipped Wings are guests of United retired pilots

December 10th at the Proud Bird Restaurant

L-R: Jan Heisterman, Jeanne Fox, Millie Gobble, JoAnne Collins, Kathy Newman seated are Fran Ponto 

and Ellen Hunnel.   Jeanne has just retired, the others are members of both RAFA and Clipped Wings.


             LAX RAFA President: Jan Heisterman                    RAFA (Jan H.) , RUPA (Arvi von Nordenflycht) 

                                                                                                         and Clipped Wings O.C. (Fran Ponto) together!

 August 4, 2015 Meeting and discussion:

Jan introduced guest speaker Sandy Risdon from the Center for Health Care Rights. This is a non-profit organization that provides free information and help with Medicare. Their number is 800-824-0780. If, you are interested they are looking for volunteers to help others with navigating Medicare. They will train you. If, you are interested please give them a call. There are organizations like this in all the counties in all the states. Each has their own identity. It is part of the State health insurance assistance program (SHIP).

Sandy passed out an information packet for all in attendance. This packet is full of information about all the Medicare programs. If, you want this information or need information on is a good place for information. Also, 1-800-633-4227 is the Medicare phone #.

There is a Pharmaceutical Assistance Program called (PAP). This will help with those expensive drugs. They give discounts and samples. Go to  It is a good site for assistance programs and is free. It is updated regularly.

"ESP" at RAFA meeting May 2015

Despite the success of our "green" membership drive (sending out emails to tell

everyone their dues are, well, due!), a number of folks did not respond. This precipitated a social ESP

(Envelope Stuffing Party) at the regular LAX meeting in May.

In attendance: Linda Farrow, ML Anderson, Lynsey Austin, Carolyn Wood, 

 Pat Geiger, Jeanne Williams and Jan Heistermann



 Take a look at this video by Linda May of our 2013 LAXSW Reunion Luncheon

at the Proud Bird Restaurant:



RAFA and OccuFLY @LAX :


Int'l address
PO Box 135
Newark, CA 94560-0135

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